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Thoughts from the Shower What do we want from life? Part 1

What do “we “ want from life? Of course there are probably as many answers and variations as there are people… that’s not too hard to believe. Some are simply here marking time… some are in pain, some seek only pleasure.

Many I think are trying to make a difference… whether in their family, community, or the world… let’s say their world. It’s also pretty obvious that many are lost… whether they know they are or not.

Terrorism, havoc, unrest, oppression. A quick study of history will show that the vast majority of time those paths are not lasting – even if they can be created and sustained for a time. For many, the length of this post has already passed their attention span or caring. That’s OK. The world has all kinds of people I think because we need all kinds to help us see importance, to help us decide what we want to do with this thing called life we may not understand.

A recurring theme in my head comes from a program I listened to years ago from Roger Dawson, not the Family Feud/Hogan’s Heroes Dawson, who I think was actually Richard Dawson, but Roger Dawson who best known as an expert in negotiation techniques.

He mentioned a book in this program called “The Jungle is Neutral”, written by F. Spencer Chapman who spent several years in the jungles of Malaysia harassing the Japanese.

The point, which is evident in the title is many fear the jungle. Many see it as an inhospitable place where death will certainly come, if not severe trials. Yet, he was able to survive and thrive to a certain level. It comes down to managing your fears and realizing that you many times will get what you think about or expect… or even seek.

The more recent versions of this though might be described as the law of attraction. In any case, the point of the story and the title is that the jungle just “is”. You can find death there for sure, but you can also find what you need to survive. There is great danger, but also places that are safe and a refuge.

The Jungle is Neutral… it’s first what you think it is, and second what you expect it to be.

It has no predetermined effect on you when you enter. Enter scared and it will provide enough to scare you, enter boldly and it will serve you… you get the idea. So the lesson is life [the jungle] is what YOU make of it. The key is getting your strengths and passion lined up with what you want… and then magic will happen.

about John: 


I grew up in New England in an extremely sheltered life... in  a good way.

I loved music from an early age and ran to my new school the summer before my 6th grade year to tell the music teacher I was going to take choir and was ready to sing.

My parents had 78's of the Rodgers and Hammerstien great musicals, Oklahoma!, Carrocel, and South Pacific. My sister bought the original broadway album of west side story and I was hooked.

About aspire: 


The words in the book:







and more.



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