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Now you see it... or you don't

So with the coronavirus and every single news story about it all around us you get the constant message that we are in this together… or we are all connected.

Still there are those who will waste their time and energy believing in conspiracy theories and spreading disinformation around the world. Of course, we see more clearly now then at any time in our recent history that they are really wasting our time as well… our energy.

Will we as people ever finally accept that we are all connected? With the current circumstances we, of course, are being told literally to distance ourselves, but what many realize is that the physical distance affects us emotionally. We are connected more than physically. We always have been. I hope that this realization isn’t lost on us.

There was a coming together or uniting after 9-11, and it lasted for a while… but this is now the whole world and as it subsides so too will the feeling of interconnectedness probably. I hope it can last longer.

about John: 


I grew up in New England in an extremely sheltered life... in  a good way.

I loved music from an early age and ran to my new school the summer before my 6th grade year to tell the music teacher I was going to take choir and was ready to sing.

My parents had 78's of the Rodgers and Hammerstien great musicals, Oklahoma!, Carrocel, and South Pacific. My sister bought the original broadway album of west side story and I was hooked.

About aspire: 


The words in the book:







and more.



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